
Exercise Equipment:
Brand/Manufacturer is not important but the top commercial manufacturers are Cybex (like seen here), Nautilus, Life Fitness, Hammer Strength & Precor. Machines with belts or solid connections are better than cables.
Training on the desired muslces is the most important. If you wish to focus on improving your legs then make sure the health club has the leg machines to work the muscles you want.
If your shoulders need work then look for the equipment that works the deltoids. The list below is designed to help you identify which equipment will work the muscles you need.
If a desired piece of equipment is not found, you might want to ask if the same exercise can be produced with free weights as often is the case. Using machines is much more controlled and
is considered when used properly much safer than free weights. Still, there is a lot of benefits and exercises accomplished with free weights that can be done safely but not found with machines.

Chest Press
Chest Press: Works the chest muscles
2nd Chest Press
Chest Press: Another one for the chest but each arm is independant so each side is worked identically.
Arm Curl
Arm or Bicep Curl: For Biceps. Uses cables
Arm Curl 2
Bicep Curl: For Biceps again but uses belts which is better.
arm extension
Arm Extension: Works Triceps
back extension
Back Extension: Works Lower-back muscles
Dip & Chin up Assist
Dip & Chip-up Assist: The Dip Works the triceps as well anterior deltoid and the pectoralis muscles. Chin-ups work latissimus dorsi (large back muscles)
Fly Rear Delt
Fly/Rear Delt: Fly works chest & Upper body. Rear Delt works Shoulders, Posterior Deltoid, Isolation, Machine, Upper Body
Lateral Raise
Lateral Raise: Works the medial deltoid (shoulder)
Lat Pulldown
Lat Pulldown: Works Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, Biceps & Upper Body
Overhead Press
Overhead Press: Works posterior deltoids (shoulders) and triceps
Pulldown: Works the Latissimus dorsi (Lat) of the back. Similar to Lat Pulldown
Seated Row
Seated Row: Seated Row exercises can be low (seen here) or high. Works the mid & upper back & shoulders.
Tricep Press
Tricep Press: Works triceps
Glute: Works the gluteal muscles also known as the butt
Hip Abduction
Hip Abduction: Works gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Moving legs outward
Hip Adduction
Hip Adduction: Works inner thighs. Moving legs inward
Leg Curl
Leg Curl: Works the hamstrings
Leg Extension
Leg Extension: Works the quadriceps (front of thighs)
Leg Press
Leg Press: Works the quadriceps (front of thighs)
Prone Leg Curl
Prone Leg Curl: Works the hamstrings. Some people prefer this over regular leg curl.
Treadmills, cycles plus other similar machines are strictly for cardio (fat burning) but very popular. Most people look for adjustments or programs that fit their workout regimen. many have built-in tv’s.